This past weekend I had 3 cookie baking events! First up was Saturday morning with my Mom, Sister-in-law and Niece all at my house. They brought some pre-made cookies and together we made peanut butter kisses and spritz. Mom also made some pretzel/kiss/M&M treats. Then onto frosting sugar cookies. We had lots of cookies and a ton of fun baking together.
The following day I headed over to my husband’s Aunt’s house for more baking. There were 9 adults and 3 kids and a huge mess! We baked more peanut butter kisses and spritz. Pecan fingers, sugar cookies and chocolate covered pretzel rods. I brought over 11 dozen sugar cookies and my Mother-in-law brought at least 4-5 dozen and we made about 4 more dozen so in total there were about 20 dozen sugar cookies to decorate! Yikes! We opened up the champagne and had a blast! As you can see in the pictures below, every place you turned you see cookies!
Then Monday at work we had a cookie exchange where everyone participating brought in a half dozen cookies for the others. In total 10 people signed up, so everyone made 5 dozen to pass out. My co-worker also brought in about 7-8 dozen sugar cookies to decorate! More cookies!!! The one positive is that by the 3rd day I was skilled in my cookie decorating, but I am cookied out!
While I am keeping lots of cookies, I have about 24 dozen cookies shipping to the troops overseas. I hope they all make it safe and sound and brings some holiday cheer to those that are so far away from home.